Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Coordination Center (HRTMCC), Executive Committee Meeting held on December 14, 2012 has decided to organize Annual General Assembly (AGM) on December 28, 2012 at Alfa Complex, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu from 1 pm onward. The following agendas will be discussed within the AGM:-
- Progress Report from the Secretariat
- Progress Report from the committees
- Future Action Plans, Strategies and Programs
- HRTMCC project
- New Membership and update of Members
This is to inform to all HRTMCC members to attend the AGM on scheduled time, date and venue.
For further information we would request to contact respective committee coordinators and secretariat.
HRTMCC Secretariat,
Informal Sector Service Center (INSEC)
December14, 2012